Research Guides

E-Research Basics

Simple how-tos for the first steps of finding materials through the GC library's website.

Finding Articles

If you are looking for a specific article, you can enter the information you have into OneSearch. Most items in the library's digital collection will come up in the catalog search.

Don't forget to click on the Articles tab above the OneSearch bar on the home page (note that the bar defaults to "books & e-books"), or, if you're inside the catalog already, use the Advanced Search to limit your results to articles. See below for a visual guide to the advanced search interface.

Second Option: If you'd like to double-check that we have access to the Journal an article was published in, go to the Journals tab. Search by Journal title. If there are no results, you can guarantee that the Graduate Center does not have access to the item - and then place an InterLibrary Loan request! 


When searching for a range of literature on a subject, the best first step is often to do a broad search of all the library's holdings. Almost all the items available through the library will be found by the catalog discovery tool, OneSearch. OneSearch can be found and used directly through the home page of the library, but you may want to begin immediately with the Advanced Search so that you can use multiple search fields and place limits on your search results.

If you find that you get too many results and they are not on point, you may want narrow your scope by searching in an appropriate database. You can determine which database or databases would be most appropriate by consulting the Research Guides; each database will have its own search tools.

[in journals]


Finding Articles: The Slide Show

Here is the basic interface of OneSearch's advanced search function. You can include (or exclude) multiple terms in your search, and limit your results further by date, material type, and so forth.

Once you have a list of results, you can narrow them further with the filters at the right-hand side of the page. "Full Text Online" is a good first selection, to ensure that you can read all the results you receive. If your aim is to see everything on a topic (whether or not we have immediate access), keep the box un-checked and place an InterLibrary Loan (ILL) request for the items you need.