Research Guides


Looking for a Specific Journal?

Best Bets for Mathematics Research

Other Databases for Mathematics Research

Affiliated with Multiple Campuses?

two map pointersAre you affiliated with multiple CUNY campuses? For example, do you study at the GC but work at another campus, or maybe even two other campuses? If so, you are entitled to remote access to library e-resources (e.g., databases, e-journals, e-books) from all of your affiliated campuses. Different CUNY libraries have different e-resources, so check all of your affiliated libraries (via their separate websites) for the e-resources you need!

Google Scholar

Google Scholar logo

Google Scholar provides a simple way to search broadly for scholarly literature, including journal articles and books. The Graduate Center Library has created a customized version that knows the library’s electronic journal holdings and links you directly to the articles in the library’s databases. 

Go to GC-customized Google Scholar

Note: If you’re off campus, you’ll be prompted to log in with your GC credentials before you can access library subscriptions.

Article & Journal Impact

Article Impact: One measure of the impact of an article is the number of times it has been cited by other articles. These databases offer robust cited reference searching:


Journal Impact: A journal's impact is calculated by analyzing (in different ways by different tools) how frequently its articles are cited. Journal-level metrics are provided by:


For more information, see the Research Metrics guide.