Research Guides

Science Resources at CUNY Campus Libraries

Science resources at individual CUNY campus libraries

Off-Site Access to GC Library Tools

All Graduate Center students, faculty, and staff have off-campus access to the Graduate Center Library's subscription resources (databases, journals, etc.). Simply select a resource from the GC library site, and you will be asked to log in with your GC network username and password. (If you are a GC faculty member and do not have a network account, contact IT Services at to request an account.)

About Dual Access to Science E-Resources

After the first year of doctoral study, most science students gain an affiliation at a second CUNY campus and therefore enjoy access to library databases through both campus's libraries. So, after the first year, check both of your libraries for journals and databases you need. (Note that different CUNY libraries have different log-in procedures for off-campus access.)

When looking for an article:

  • When you know the title of the journal, search for the title at each library where you have access. (At the Graduate Center, use the Journal Title Search. At other libraries, the journal search tool might have slightly different names.)
  • See an error in the GC's Journal Title Search results? Please let us know!
  • If you don't have access to the article through any library, request it through interlibrary loan (either through the Graduate Center or through your other library).

Graduate Center

Brooklyn College

City College

College of Staten Island

Hunter College

John Jay College

Lehman College

Queens College

Article & Journal Impact

Article Impact: One measure of the impact of an article is the number of times it has been cited by other articles. These databases offer robust cited reference searching:


Journal Impact: A journal's impact is calculated by analyzing (in different ways by different tools) how frequently its articles are cited. Journal-level metrics are provided by:


For more information, see the Research Metrics guide.

Google Scholar

Google Scholar logo

Google Scholar provides a simple way to search broadly for scholarly literature, including journal articles and books. The Graduate Center Library has created a customized version that knows the library’s electronic journal holdings and links you directly to the articles in the library’s databases. 

Go to GC-customized Google Scholar

Note: If you’re off campus, you’ll be prompted to log in with your GC credentials before you can access library subscriptions.