Research Guides

Finding Data

This is a guide for finding demographic, economic, social, health, and environmental data sets that you can analyze, visualize, and map.


American National Election Study

Election Assistance Commission - Research and Data  National and state-level voter registration and turnout for federal elections. National turnout statistics by age, gender, and race. Some historical data back to 1960.

Campaign Finance Disclosure Portal   The FEC provides public access to campaign contributions to federal representatives and candidates, and the major national parties. To search by candidate/representative click US HOUSE/SENATE CAMPAIGN MONEY.

Correlates of War  COW Project distributes several historical datasets coding international events back to the 1800s. Data include territorial changes, interstate alliances, and inter- and intrastate warfare.


Federal Bureau of Investigation: Uniform Crime Reporting  The most comprehensive annual, statistical breakdown of crime in the U.S.  The website includes racial, age, gender, and nationality data sets.

Federal Justice Statistics Program  Compilation of information from several federal agencies describing suspects and defendants in the criminal justice system.

National Archive of Criminal Justice Data  Funded by agencies within the Department of Justice, which also is the source of the data collections in the archive, and maintained as a topical archive within ICPSR. Features data resource guides that highlight important data collections on topics such as homicide, violence against women, and capital punishment.


VoteWorld  US Congress, European Parliament, and British Parliament roll call data, as well as selected historical series from 18 other countries.

Country Indicators for Foreign Policy  Economic, social, environmental, and military indicators for over 100 countries. Create dynamic maps or charts and download extracts.

Correlates of War COW Project distributes several historical datasets coding international events back to the 1800s. Data include territorial changes, interstate alliances, and inter- and intrastate warfare.