Research Guides

Friends of the Mina Rees Library

Reference & Research Services

Spines of old leatherbound booksLibrarians are available during reference hours to help you with your research. 

We also have dozens of online subject guides on a wide range of topics. They are accessible from any device with an internet connection any time of day.

See the full list of Subject Guides.

Access to On-Site Databases

The Mina Rees Library holds subscriptions to more than 300 databases on subjects ranging from literature to science. Friends of the Library with library access privileges may access these databases on site any time the library is open. 

Browse the full A-Z list of databases our website.

Computers & Technology

There are computers (Macs and PCs) available on the first floor and second floor, each offering a wide range of software, from Microsoft Office to statistics packages.  Friends of the Library with library access privileges may use any of these computers by requesting a guest pass at the Circulation Desk or Reference Desk when they visit.

Guest Wi-Fi, scanners, printers, microform readers, and three workstations with a variety of media playback and recording equipment are also available in the library. 

See our Technology in the Library guide for more information.