"Transkribus is the European Union READ project's comprehensive platform for the automated recognition, transcription and searching of historical documents. The main objective of Transkribus is to support users who are engaged in the transcription of printed or handwritten documents, namely humanities scholars, archives, volunteers and computer scientists." Download it for free from the Transkribus website.
Read about Transkribus on the blog of the National Archives of the UK.
"The Spanish Paleography Digital Teaching and Learning Tool is a unique interactive online platform developed by the CUNY Dominican Studies Institute with the support of the National Endowment for the Humanities to promote the independent learning of the deciphering and reading of the main writing styles or calligraphy forms used in the Spanish speaking world during the modern period, roughly from the 16th to the 18th centuries."
"TeachArchives.org is an innovative resource for teachers, administrators, librarians, archivists, and museum educators. It offers sample exercises and informative articles based on a new approach to teaching in the archives."
A handy guide from Harvard Libraries with tips for using Zotero to organize manuscript and archival sources.