Catalogs & Databases
Research Guides
The following are among the largest collections of audio and visual materials and are excellent starting places for research.
Following are selected sources for exploring the vast trove of moving image resources available online on open access sites and in library subscription databases. See our Film Studies research guide for additional resources.
The Docuseek Complete Collection includes streaming access to over 2,700 documentary, environmental, independent, and social-issue films, including titles from Collective Eye Films, GOOD DOCS, Icarus Films, and Women Make Movies. In the Docuseek interface, click on “Browse” to view all available titles. Find the top viewed films on the Docuseek home page, check out new releases or see films by subject.
Electronic Arts Intermix's (EAI) Educational Streaming service provides full-length, streaming videos by artists. The artists represented range from influential figures in video art — such as Nam June Paik, Carolee Schneeman, Martha Rosler and Joan Jonas — to emerging multidisciplinary artists, including Paper Rad, Cory Arcangel and Takeshi Murata. The collection speaks to the rich history of single-channel video art, from artists' earliest analog video experiments of the 1960s to new digital media practices.
The list of artists with streaming videos is here, and the whole EAI collection is described in the broader artists catalog which includes items that are not available remotely. Unfortunately, these films are not searchable in OneSearch.
Listen to recordings from some of the major collections of recorded music from the links below. See our Music research guide for additional resources.
Transcripts of news programs can be found in several places, including:
NexisUni – Log in with your GC network credentials and search by keyword in All Fields. Then, scroll down and select news transcripts from the "publication type" filter option. From there, you can either select particular sources or search All News Transcripts to find appearances of your search term among the results.
Factiva – Visit The New York Public Library's Thomas Yoseloff Business Center at the former Mid-Manhattan Library at 40th Street & Fifth Avenue to use this database, which is another excellent source for finding transcripts of TV news broadcasts from a wide range of sources.
National Public Radio – Search NPR broadcasts directly, no login required, on their website:
Explore rich, varied, and deep collections of radio broadcasts for a fresh angle on historical research. From the links here listen to news programming; live music; public radio shows; radio plays; alternative news broadcasts; BBC Radio dramas, documentaries, adapted novels; the hip-hop radio archive; shortwave radio programs; community radio; and more. Also delve into scholarship around radio, read scripts, explore archives, and listen to installments of the Radio Survivor podcast that focus on radio stations, radio archives, and other aspects of the medium.
Following are selected open access and subscription resources for exploring spoken word collections in all their variety.
A few selected library databases for researching theatre online. See our Theatre & Performance research guide for additional resources.
Please visit New York Public Library.
The New York Public Library offers on-site access to Digital Theatre Plus, which streams current British theatre productions from Shakespeare to contemporary plays, and opera, musical theatre, dance and ballet, symphonic and chamber music, theatre from Russia and South Asia, and film shorts. Includes study guides and other supplementary materials.