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Research Guides

Technology in the Library

Laptop and Other Equipment Loans

Visit the Circulation Desk on the 1st Floor of the Mina Rees Library to check out the following items. Because these devices were purchased with Student Tech Fee funds, only currently enrolled students of the Graduate Center, currently enrolled students of the School of Labor and Urban Studies and Graduate Center alumni may borrow them. Please see the loan terms below.

  • Dell laptops
  • Chromebooks
  • Laptops with assistive technologies (for students referred by Student Affairs)
  • TASCAM audio recorders
  • Logitech webcams
  • Logitech wireless presenters (i.e., pointer/clickers)
  • iPads

The terms of the loans are as follows:

  • Loan periods: The initial loan period is eight weeks. You may renew the loan up to three times, provided the device has not been recalled. (Loan periods for laptops with assistive technologies are determined by the Office of Student Affairs and may differ from the standard period.)
  • Equipment Returns: You must return the device to a library staff member at the Graduate Center Library Circulation Desk. You may not return it in a book drop or at another CUNY library.
  • Late/Recall Fines: If you do not return the device on time, you will be charged an overdue fine of $15.00 per hour. If the device has been recalled, the fine is also $15.00 per hour.
  • Fees for Loss and Damage: If the device is lost or damaged, you may be charged a fee up to the replacement cost of the item. To avoid such problems, never leave the device unattended, and do not eat or drink near the device.
  • Acceptable Behavior: You pledge not to engage in illegal activities with the device.
  • Software Installation: The laptops are equipped with a few common software packages. Borrowers cannot install additional software. Furthermore, IT Services will not install software for you. You may, however, place a request for software to be added to the laptops in the future. Please place your request with a staff member at the Circulation Desk. Software decisions will be made by IT in collaboration with the library.
  • File Deletion: It is your responsibility to delete your files from the device before returning it. The library is not responsible for any undeleted files. If you do not delete your files, subsequent borrowers may read and copy the files.
  • Library Blocks: If you do not pay your fines or fees, you will be blocked from checking out other library materials. If you fail to abide by the other terms of this agreement, you may be blocked from borrowing laptops or other devices in the future.