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Research Guides

Technology in the Library


The following software applications are available at the GC and are set up to be used with the operating systems indicated:

  • Windows:  7Zip, Adobe Acrobat Pro*, Adobe Master Collection, ArcGIS, ATLAS.ti**, CUNYVM, EViews, FileZilla, Gaussian, GaussView, HLM, IBM SPSS, iTunes, LISREL, MapInfo, Maple, Matlab, Microsoft Office Suite Pro, MikTex, PowerDVD, Putty, QuickTime, R, Refworks, Roxio, RStudio, SAS, STATA, VideoLAN, WinEdit, Wolfram Mathmatica, WS_FTP, and Zotero.

    *Adobe Acrobat Pro: Users must create a free Adobe ID account for access onsite.

    **ATLAS.ti: All users, onsite and remote,  need to register for an account with your GC email usersname when prompted by the pop-up window; this is necessary to access the GC subscription.  After registering  access Atlas.ti via your CUNY Login credentials.
  • Mac: Adobe Acrobat Pro*, Adobe Master Collection, IBM SPSS, iTunes, Maple, Matlab, Microsoft Office Suite Pro, QuickTime, R, Refworks, RStudio, SAS, VideoLAN, and Zotero.
  • Apporto (replaces CUNY Virtual Desktop, log in with CUNY Login): Microsoft Access, ArcGIS Pro, SPSS, Maple, Mathematica, MATLAB, R Studio, and SAS. Note for ArcGIS users: students and faculty/staff need to create a ticket with GC IT to get an ESRI username that will allow them to access ArcGIS remotely in Apporto. 

For the most up-to-date software availability, including applications that are available in specific locations only, see IT's list of software.

For answers to other questions about software or information technology (e.g., Blackboard, CUNYfirst, telecommunications, survey tools, etc.), please consult IT’s Frequently Asked Questions or contact IT Services at  You can also chat with IT Services between 9am and 5pm, weekdays, by visiting their website.

Quantitative Data Analysis Software

The following professional-grade software packages allow you to manipulate and visualize quantitative data in very complex ways:

  • SAS - Powerful statistical analysis and data management tool, uses command-line interface, particularly good for ANOVA
  • SPSS - Relatively sophisticated data analysis tool, with a user-friendly GUI, geared toward quantitative social sciences data
  • R - Free, versatile option for data analysis and visualization

SAS and SPSS are available through Apporto (which replaces CUNY Virtual Desktop; login with CUNY Login), and R is downloadable from the R Project.

How do I choose?

Choosing statistical software (online video, 36 minutes)

Brief comparison between SAS, STATA, and SPSS (PDF)

Choosing the correct statistical test in SAS, STATA, SPSS, and R Institute for Digital Education & Research, UCLA)

Qualitative Data Analysis Software