Images are another format of valuable non-text sources to include in your research. This section of the guide contains links to library subscription databases and open access sources of images from libraries and museums as well as tips for finding images in books and serials.
One Story of a Rescued Photo Archive
"Three years ago, The Municipal Archives received a call from the NYPD, wanting to know whether they could help dispose of a roomful of photographic material stored at One Police Plaza. The final yield amounted to about 180,000 images from perhaps 50,000 cases, ranging from an uncertain point prior to 1914 all the way to 1972. These pictures are of undeniable photographic significance."
Read the whole story and other fascinating stories about archives in our Zotero Library, Archives in the News.
Books: When searching OneSearch, WorldCat Discovery, or other library catalogs, add the word "illustrated" to your search to find works with images.
Periodicals: Photographs, drawings, maps, reproductions of artworks, advertisements, and other illustrations and images can be readily found in newspapers and magazines. Microform and reprint editions will likely be in black and white. See our Newspapers Research Guide for tips on finding current and historical mainstream and alternative serials in print, on microfilm, and online.