Why Open? A Curation of Posts on Open Pedagogy
Invisible Labor and Digital Spaces
What is Open Pedagogy? - David Wiley speculates about the possibilities between OER and open pedagogy.
What is Open Pedagogy? - A Year of Open - Perspectives from multiple individuals, speculating on the nature of "open."
Tim Robbins Presents Open Anthology of American Literature at MLA Convention
OER: A Field Guide for Academic Librarians
Diversity and Inclusivity - A page of resources from the OER18: Open to All conference, held in Bristol, UK.
How OER Can Support Student Equity and Diversity
OER Researchers Don't Disaggregate Data on Diverse Students. Here's Why They Should.
My Open Pedagogy Textbook (2016) - Robin DeRosa
OpenEdGroup - Provides a review of research studies about OER.
A Critical Take On OER Practices: Interrogating Commercialization Colonialism and Content
Open Educational Resources and Rhetorical Paradox in the Neoliberal Univers(ity) - CUNY Prof. Nora Almeida explores the tensions between OER and the university system, with an emphasis on rhetoric and pedagogy.
OER: Is the Federal Government Overstepping its Role? - (Winter, 2017) EducationNext.
Ten Years Later: Why Open Educational Resources Have Not Noticeably Affected Higher Education, and Why We Should Care EduCauseReview (2/26/13)