Open Knowledge Fellowship - Supported by state funding, the Fellowship guides participants through the considerations in creating an OER course site and the broader scholarly landscape.
Breaking Open: An Open Pedagogy Symposium - Held on May 3, 2019, the Symposium combined elements of interactive pedagogy with a critique of "open" rhetoric. Keynote speaker Clelia Rodriguez helped to frame the issues within a decolonial perspective and context.
Building Open Infrastructure at CUNY - A compilation of OER across multiple disciplines, published on Manifold.
See this page for various Open Access journals published at The Graduate Center.
Year One Report: Includes statistics about course conversion and zero-cost impact across CUNY.
OER Representatives across CUNY - The list of representatives on each CUNY campus.
OER at CUNY - An overview page of the efforts across CUNY, linking to press releases.
CUNY Academic Commons - Developed at The Graduate Center, and designed to be "an online, academic social network for community members."
CUNY Academic Works - The University's institutional repository includes a section for OER created at CUNY, as well as other scholarship.
Manifold - Allows users to "publish dynamic digital texts with rich media support, powerful annotation tools, and community dialogue."
OpenLab - An open platform developed at the New York City College of Technology (CityTech).
OpenCUNY - Hosted at the Graduate Center, OpenCUNY is "a DSC-sponsored, student-run, open-source WordPress platform that is free and open to all students."