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CUNY Cap & Gown Graduation Survey for Graduating Master’s Students

Master’s students from all programs are invited to complete the CUNY Cap & Gown Graduation Survey, located in CUNYFirst in the Student Center under “Tasks and Holds.” Log in to CUNYFirst to start the survey.

The purpose of this voluntary survey is to learn more about your post-graduation plans. The survey results are used for institutional research and help inform the Graduate Center’s planning and decision-making. If you have any questions about the survey, please contact the Office of Institutional Research and Effectiveness.

How to complete the survey:

  1. Log in to CUNYFirst
  2. Select Student Center
  3. Select Tasks and Holds
  4. Scroll to Graduation Survey
  5. Select “Click here to complete survey”
  6. On the last page of the survey, be sure to click Submit

The survey is complete when it no longer appears under Tasks and Holds.

Step-by-step instructions can be found here:

CUNY Cap & Gown Graduation Survey Instructions