Research Guides

Beyond Wikipedia: Background & Reference Sources


This page contains a brief selection of resources to help you get started with legal research.  Sources include research guides, non-profit legal organizations, and databases containing articles, cases, laws, and other documents.  The guides for legal research should be especially useful for learning how to approach particular topics.

Guides for Legal Research

Following are a few research guides from other libraries to help you find information on legal topics. 

Links to subscription databases at other libraries won't work for GC researchers (except the NYPL links), so look for recommended databases, journals, or books at the GC.  If we don't have an item you would like to consult, request it via Interlibrary Loan

Also see the Government Info tab in this guide for additional resources.

Helpful Books

CUNY School of Law Library

CUNY-affiliated individuals are welcome to visit the CUNY School of Law Library Mondays through Thursdays during staffed hours by showing a current CUNY ID.  

CUNY visitors can get help from reference librarians and use IP-authenticated databases such as Heinonline, Proquest Legislative insight, and Law360.  But they cannot check out materials from the law school library or use password-driven databases such as Westlaw, Lexis or Bloomberg. There are no printing facilities are available for visitors at the library.

Directions to the CUNY School of Law Library can be found here.

Legal Research Libraries in NYC

Organizations - Selections

U.S. Legislation

Online Legal Sources from the GC and Beyond