Research Guides

Master of Arts in Liberal Studies (MALS)

All Graduate Center Databases

The databases you see on this page are just a small subset of all of the databases (collections of resources) available to you through the Graduate Center Library. See the full A-Z list to see all databases from every discipline.

Looking for a specific Journal?

Looking for a specific journal? Search by journal title to check availability across our subscriptions.

Place an Interlibrary Loan request if you need access beyond what is immediately available.

MALS research by Track

Doing research while at MALS is an experience that will largely be shaped by your concentration.

Some disciplines have full research guides, that you might want to browse in addition to this one:

Other concentrations do not have their own complete guide (yet), but if you have suggestions about what resources have been helpful to you in those areas, please let your librarian know!

Newspapers Guide

See our full guide to online Newspapers

Interdisciplinary Article Databases

A sampling of databases that might broadly be useful for MALS research.

Click here for the complete list of Graduate Center databases, or take a look at our list of subject guides to find more databases by discipline.

Just getting started? Want some background material? Check out the Beyond Wikipedia guide.

Select New York City History Resources