Contact the Circulation Desk
(212) 817-7083
All Library fines must be paid at the school where they originated. CUNY-wide fines are generally $0.25/day, with higher fees for overdue recalled ($1.00 per day) and reserve material ($0.10/minute). A $25 total in CUNY-wide fines blocks CUNY-wide library privileges. Long overdue replacement costs and fees must be paid at the lending library.
For a complete list of CUNY-wide loan, renewal, and fine schedules, see CUNY Libraries Circulation Policies. Graduate Center fine schedules are outlined in the Fines & Fees box below.
Long overdue books generate registration, transcript, and graduation blocks, which must be cleared at a borrower’s home library after making payment at the lending library.
Overdue materials:
Lost items:
The email notice schedule for CUNY loans:
Borrowers are informed of due dates at the point of loan. Missed overdue notices or lost date due slips do not mitigate borrower responsibility for applicable overdue fines.
Items may be rush recalled, with new earlier due dates, for use by course reserve. Rush recalls generate an immediate email notice of any new due date. Higher fines apply to overdue rush recalls. These recalls may be placed only by CUNY circulation staff.